Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dear Little Sister,

 I don't think I remember the day we got you home, I was too small myself. I don't really remember holding you in my arms or sharing the cradle with you. I don't remember even sharing pacifiers or feeding bottles with you (and thank God for that!). But you have still been a part of my existence for as long as I can remember. You were my little sister, part of me and I always knew we were meant to be together.

I, however, do remember my attempts to poke your twinkling eyes in amazement as a kid (and you thought I always intended to blind you) and smelling your fragrant hair (and your irksome look at that).I remember being threatened to pay a ransom of Rs 2 for keeping that secret that after all was disclosed. I remember buying stuff for you from the school cafeteria because “princess” hated standing in queue. I remember explaining the shopkeeper to pull out only that blue shade dress that you had on mind and wanted to check out but would never spell that out to the shopkeeper yourself. I was expected to be brave enough to crack that mind challenge and get that demand fulfilled. I remember how unlike so many sisters, you never really liked sharing clothes, always worried the dress may lose its sheen if I wore it. Yes, I remember all this and more.

But then I must say I have loved all these quirky moments and have willingly given in to your diktats because without you around my heart would have had a little place missing. Devoid of these amazingly moments, our childhood would have been boring.

Thanks for being my rainy day companion, partner in crime, my defence attorney and the private eye (snooping around for clues). My life wouldn't be the same without you.

Bless you on your birthday, and remember you are always in the heart - tucked so close there is no chance of escape.

 Love, Sis

1 comment:

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Beautifully captured the childhood moments. I loved the sentence where you talk about sis as your defense attorney, partner in crime. And as regards Private not making a comment :)